April Wrap Up (2017)

I really failed this month :(.  I had so much going on and stress was running so high that I just didn’t feel like reading at all.  I’m so sick of not wanting to read when I have so many books that I have to read.  Here are the two books that I was able to get to this month:

1) Caraval by: Stephanie Garber 4/5 Stars

I read this book along with my old book club (long story short; it was created and then all the mods were kicked out, which included me, when the Admin freaked out on us.  It’s nothing we did, she just created a bunch of drama and kicked everyone out that didn’t pity her.)  Anyway, this was the only book we got to read together, and I liked it, but didn’t really love it.  I ended the book with more questions than with any book that I’ve ever read.  Hopefully, Stephanie will be able to answer some of those questions in the sequel to this book.

2) The Waterfall Traveler by: S.J. Lem 5/5 Stars

I got this eARC on Netgalley a little while ago, and I have no idea why I waited this long to read it.  This may sound cliché, but I totally judged this book by its cover, and I thought I was gonna step into a middle-grade fantasy world.  Boy, was I wrong.  I got tossed into this epic fantasy with deep characters and evil monsters lurking around every corner! Plus, who wouldn’t want to be able to travel through a waterfall (besides the getting wet obviously lol).  I highly recommend this book to anyone that wants to dive (see what I did there ;)) into a very action packed adventure.  My review for this book will be up sometime this month.

I am wicked bummed that I didn’t get to more books this month, but I do understand why it happened this way.  I have currently broadened my horizons and have started listening to audiobooks, which in turn should help me with this reading funk I’ve got going on.  May is looking so promising for me getting back on track, but I’ll save that for the next wrap up :).

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